The CS Education Research Resource Center provides links to research-backed activities for:

  • Teaching K-12 students formally in school and informally at camps, after-school, or during CS Education Week,
  • Planning and conducting professional development of K-12 teachers, and
  • Evaluating and assessing students and projects using existing instruments/surveys to determine effectiveness.

What is your curation process?

The curation process for this site includes organizing, evaluating, and parsing papers and evaluation instruments using a methodology defined by its authors. The curated articles come from a variety of targeted journals and conferences, and each article has been analyzed to identify its primary research questions, data that was collected as part of the study, the activities that were evaluated, and more. A team of five people has been actively identifying and analyzing the articles, and each article goes through two reviews.

What’s included in the article dataset?

We seeded the article dataset by curating data from articles related to K-12 CS education from each of the following ten journals (2012-2018):

  • ACM International Computing Education Research
  • ACM Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
  • ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
  • ACM Transactions on Computing Education
  • Frontiers in Education
  • IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference
  • IEEE Transactions on Education
  • Journal of Educational Computing Research
  • Koli Calling
  • Taylor & Francis’ Computer Science Education

We will continue to add to this collection.

What are your collection methods?

We have had several people assigned to the team who are identifying articles within each venue and to determine if an article meets the pre-defined criteria: 1) Describe or evaluate a computing activity or process 2) Target K-12 participants (students or teachers) and 3) Designed to teach computing or computational thinking?

For some articles, determining whether all 3 criteria were met was very clear. Other times, we had to rely upon our experience and our goals for the dataset (as well as additional research goals) to determine whether or not the article should be included.

For additional information about the process, please contact us.

Citing the Repository

A dedicated team of researchers and research assistants put forth countless hours creating and maintaining this site. If you are using the site for publishable research or papers, we ask that you please acknowledge the assistance you received (in addition to appropriately citing the papers referenced within the repository).

McGill, M., and Decker, A. (2017). Computer Science Education Repository. Available online:

title = {Computer Science Education Resource Center},
author = {Monica M. McGill and Adrienne Decker},
year = {2019},
url = {}}

Using the Article or Evaluation Datasets

Data is stored in a mySQL database that we are willing to share with researchers interested in analyzing the data. To be eligible to access the data or request queries requires becoming a reviewer of curated articles. If interested, please contact us.

How can I get my article, report, or evaluation instrument included?

For submitting an article, report or evaluation instrument for consideration, visit the Submission page.

How do I report a discrepancy on this site?

If you find a discrepancy, please contact us with specific information about the related data (e.g., title of paper and the discrepancy found).